I am re posting this note of Russel Pielago for all Marinduquenos all over the world without a FB account and who are readers of my blog about Marinduque.
Re post from FB: From : Russel Pielago posted to MARINDUQUEÑO, MANDIN!©
Addressed to the Governor of Marinduque and to All Marinduquenos All Over the World Who Have FaceBook Accounts:
Nanay Carmencita Reyes and to all my kababayans. Allow me to share a very simple SWOT analysis for our province...We need to capitalize our strengths, address our weaknesses,work on our opportunities and provide long- term solution for our threats
1. 2nd most peaceful province in the PH (What province is the #1, Russel?)
2. Nearest island province from Mega Manila
3. Three commercials seaports and a domestic airport
4. Lots of tourist spots such as waterfalls, white sand beaches, caves, underground rivers, century- old houses and churches
5. Moriones festival, 6-star Bellaroca resort
6. May I add: Hospitable residents, unique and one of a kind cultural heritage-Putong and Kalutang
1. Too much politics in the province. Crab Mentality and kanya-kanya system
2. Unstable power and Water Supply thus no major industries in the province
3. Poor Health facilities and Hospital
4. Lack of rooms, schools and facilities
5. Farming and Fishing are the main livelihood in the province yet marinduque is still dependent from its neighboring provinces with its rice supply and some vegetables and fruits are still coming all the way from Baguio, Manila, Calabarzon which can be locally produced. Insufficient Farm to market roads and irrigation facilities
6. During peak Holiday season, going to Marinduque and going back to Lucena is a nightmare.
7. May I add: Poorly maintained roads both the national road ( from Caganhao to the airport) and interior roads ( Balanacan Port to Luzon Datum 1911 monument)and from downtown Buenavista to Lipata( Bellarocca).

1.Marinduque has the great potential to become a top tourist destination in the PH. We have the tourist spots, hospitable marinduquenos and the huge market is just 200 + kms away. We need to use all medium to promote our province.
2. Provide long- term solution for marinduque’s power and water supply issues
3. Our Local Government should provide a clear plan and vision for our province
4. May I add: Opportunities to promote the province as the ecotourism capital of the Philippines
1. Floods and Landlines / Erosions--denuded forest
2. Dams at the interior Marinduque that would bring huge floods to Boac and Mogpog e
3. May I add: Earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruption. Is Marinduque prepared as a province if these calamities happen in the near future? I doubt it!
Personal Note:
This is an excellent SWOT* analysis of our province. Let us do something and help solve the above problems and plan ahead to prevent threats to our province.
To all our provincial officials and kababayans all over the world, even in my old age, I am willing to help to the utmost of my ability to make Marinduque move forward to the 21st Century.
If you have not heard or is not sure what SWOT analysis is, here's a short information from Wikipedia.
*SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. The technique is credited to Albert Humphrey, who led a convention at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies.
A SWOT analysis must first start with defining a desired end state or objective. A SWOT analysis may be incorporated into the strategic planning model. Strategic Planning has been the subject of much research.
Strengths: characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage over others in the industry.
Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others.
Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment.
Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business.
**Geographic Cenetr of the Philippines: Sometime during the 1906, the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey (USCGS) now National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), established a geodetic marker drilled in a cubic meter of diorite rock on a mountaintop located at the boundaries of Brgy. Argao, Hinanggayon and Silangan, Mogpog, 13�33'41"N, 121�52'3"E. This is the Luzon Datum of 1911, a very important geodetic point marker which is used as point number one for all map makers in the country. The area where the Luzon Datum of 1911 lies is attracting visitors who probably hardly know the significance of that area near Balanacan & Argao. An eco-tourism park will be developed there in cooperation with the barangay residents and provincial tourism officials of Marinduque. Hopefully, the provincial road leading to this site is widened and paved, so that tourists will be attracted to visit this park.

1 comment:
Hi Lucintel, thank you for your comment. Have a fantastic day and drop by again soon!
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