Welcome to Marinduque-My Island Paradise

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Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Mainland Marinduque from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on Photo to link to Marinduque Awaits You

Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Timely Reminder to All Pet Owners Here at THD

The above reminder addressed to the THD Pet owners was very timely. The day before I received this notice as a cat owner, I was almost a victim ( that is step-on a dog poo ) of an irresponsible dog owner who did not pick her/his dog poo on the Court- yard lawn of THD . I was on my way from the Fairmount Building to Newton's via the Library. I did not report this incident to the Front Desk because I was able to avoid the poo and I was not sure whose job is it to solve this problem. 

However, this same incident happened to me last year. At that time, I reported it to Liza Bellini- our Resident Liaison at that time. Lisa immediately took a dog poo plastic scooper and she told me to show it to her. I did and Lisa immediately took care of the problem.  Then the above same reminder was posted.

So, there is a dog owner here at THD who for some reasons or another appear irresponsible. I hope you will not repeat this incident and Pick up your dog S--t.  

 Speaking of Pets, I have just finished reading an article from yesterday's issue from the East Bay Times on " Fight Loneliness with Furry Friends. 

Here are excerpts from the article: Pets Provide not only psychological but also physical benefits for Older Adults.

"San Mateo County which declared loneliness a public health emergency earlier this year, has been running a campaign to address social isolation and loneliness.  That included a Recent Peninsula Humane Society event promoting pet adoption and therapy animals. Recently, the county approved $1 Million in funding to implement anti-loneliness program. Pet companionship alleviates stress, improving heart rate and blood pressure and encouraging physical activity.  Cognitive Decline among the aging is slower among pet owners than non-owners". 

I am not a dog owner, so picking up dog poo's on public areas here at THD is not my problem. I am a 2-cats resident owner of Batman and Robin.  I do indeed change their cat litter diligently for my own sake and have no effect on other senior residents here at THD. Here's Batman and Robin on their favorite spot on my patio.

From Left to Right: Robin (more white on his face) and Batman. They are both neutered males, American Short Hair Breed.  Both are only 2 years old.   Notice the wire netting preventing them from gallivanting outside. They love watching the squirrels and occasional humming birds in the vicinity.     

Again, Be a Responsible Pet Owner and Do Not forget to clean-up your Dog S---t.    

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