Welcome to Marinduque-My Island Paradise

If this is your first time in my site, welcome! If you have been a follower, my heartfelt thanks to you, also. Help me achieve my dream, that someday, Marinduque will become a world tourist destination not only on Easter Week, but also whole year round. You can do this by telling your friends and relatives about this site. The photo above is Mt Malindig in Torrijos. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on the infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Mainland Marinduque from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on Photo to link to Marinduque Awaits You

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

My Word of the Day- The Project 2025 Song

While playing bridge the other day, my partner took a long time to respond to my first bid. His action reminded of the word- cogitate/cogitating.  I did some search and here is the list of similar words for Cog-i-tate. English, I would say is fun and sometimes complicated.  Enjoy! Have Fun with WORDS!     

verbcogitate3rd person presentcogitatespast tensecogitatedpast participlecogitatedgerund or present participlecogitating
  1. think deeply about something; meditate or reflect.
    "he stroked his beard and retired to cogitate"
    think (about)
    give thought to
    give consideration to
    mull over
    meditate (on)
    muse (on)
    ponder (on/over)
    reflect (on)
    deliberate (about/on)
    ruminate (about/on/over)
    dwell on
    brood (on/over)
    agonize (over)
    worry (about)
    chew over
    puzzle (over)
    speculate about
    weigh up
    turn over in one's mind
    be in a brown study
    put on one's thinking cap
    pore on

    Another word, I love to use in my writings is ruminate

Meanwhile enjoy my latest photo with my Harris-Walz T-shirt and Pin- a Gift from Ditas during her short visit last September 15.

Lastly here's a video of Project 2025:


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